Saturday, January 15, 2011

Snow Days

Me and Chris have had our first official 'snow' day married. While being stuck in the house together with nothing to do, we made it through without going crazy. Its so weird to think about that over the course of this past year we, 1) Got engaged 2) Married 3) Have a house 4)Chris in 2 different schools 5)Both of us with new jobs. You would think that everything gets easier after getting married; That you no longer have to worry about who you end up with, your in your next stage of life, and you have someone you know will be there for continual support. Me and Chris have both had some very strong learning experiences this year, though. As I was reading in Blue Like Jazz, marriage bonds you to your spouse like nothing you would have ever dreamed about - but its tough too. Theres no way Chris could fullfill me in every aspect I need, even sometimes I try to uphold that standard on him. In this case, we both suffer from this train of thought. And If Im not completely perfect for Chris, he gets frusterated in which I in turn, return his frusteration. So how can this be that God gives us to one another, in which we cant really fullfill for one another. Ive learned that its so much deeper than that! We have to have our relationship with Christ, FIRST. Chris told me the other night that he really needs my help - in that God uses my spirit to bring him closer to God. In which I realized then that we are gifts to each other from God, in which he uses the other to reach into areas of our lives and He shows us 'love' to the other, through each other. Its deeper than just knowing a person - its really loving a person the way its inteded

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