Sunday, January 23, 2011

Business Woman

I have officially started my new job in the Business World. I have so much to be thankful for, and just one of those things is my job. In the past I had a very challenging time. However, I've realized that those things that are hard or challenging, make you appreciate the good times so much more. However we need to accept things as His plan and be thankful for all things - and just pray for the hardship we are going through.
And this can go into so many different aspects of life. For instance: who you date/marry, timing with a job, timing with children, etc....
I think of this train of thought as if God is our parent and we are His children (which in essence we are), and say our parent gave us 'one' french fry from McDonalds and we poutted our lip b/c we want the whole box and not just the one in front of us (which we as children dont understand we were probably going to get the whole box eventually over the course of the meal)....but if you were in Gods perspective (a parent), would you even want to give the rest of the box to that child that was being so ungrateful for something you were going to give them anyways and they didn't even deserve it in the first place???
So, as I mentioned above I am thankful for my job now. However, in my quest to overcome my past challenging job, I had to first become thankful for the gifts God gave me through it; money, 3 REALLY great friends that made a handprint on my heart, and the education on: health, pregnancy, and gyn. When I was able to think of this job being a gift and to find the goodness in it (believe me - it was so very hard!) - God began to open other windows for me and wah-la, I have a new, wonderful job!
Pray for your needs, but pray with a thankful heart

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