Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Today max stood for the first time, holding on to his car seat, but unassisted by anyone! He's getting so big and brave. Time to check this milestone off, :(

Friday, September 12, 2014

Sweetest thing in life

Everyday I thank God for this precious gift. You truly can not understand the fullness of love until you have a child, (and even then it's probably a speck of what God has for us). As I read and watch the global issues that are currently happening, it makes me want to hold this little fellow close so that he's protected. This world is so scary right now, yet this face has so much sunshine to give. What an awesome present for God to give us....I only fear the day he no longer snuggles like he does. Tonight I was playing with him on the floor and I got up to get some water and he immediately became concerned and began whimpering for me. I will be working on helping him get past this- but there is nothing that warms a mothers heart more than to see her baby 'need' her.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Today marks the day where max has officially said 'dada'. This is so big for his dad because he's been waiting for a month since he has said 'mama'. Go max, your growing so fast!!