Friday, June 17, 2011

Power Questions

Here we go!
What is that thing that no one, not even your partner, your mother or your best friend, knows about you? I dont keep ANY secrets.

What would make you feel embarrassed in public?
If I passed gas in front of a group of people.

What do you think is your biggest flaw? What have you done about it? When I get frusterated - I completely give up on it alltogether. I am learning to take a step back and take small steps.

What is your biggest strength? How did you develop it? To truly care for people. Having God, a great mother and great grandmother.

What do you have to put up with in your life? How long have you been tolerating it? Traffic. 5 days a week for 3 years.

If you could change your name, what would your new name be? Something vintage - maybe Penelope.

If you could change your appearance, how would you decide to look? I would change my hair and my boobs.

What color dominates your wardrobe? How do you feel when you wear that color? Why? RED. I feel sexy and powerful. I want someone to notice that I've walked into the room!

Which song do you sing only when you’re alone? What memory does it bring back? I sing a lot of Country music when Im alone - reminds me of being a teenager.

Whom do you secretly envy? Why? Skinny/toned girls. Because I always want to have a better body.

What do you really want? But really… A wonderful family of my own

What is the way you often sabotage yourself? I sometimes give to much of myself - which takes away from me.

Who would you like to please the most? God, my husband, and my family

What do you think a stranger’s first impression of you would be? I have a soft personality

What recurring dream do you have? What do you think is the message your subconscious is sending you through that dream? My grandparents and how they use to be, (their both ill).

What would you try now if you were sure you wouldn’t fail? Become a Doctor or a Professional Athlete

What was that thing you never tried because you were afraid of failure? Going further in school

What was your greatest disappointment in life? I dont have any

As a kid, what did you dream of becoming when you grew up? A Veterinarian

What are you really good at? Listening

What can you do better? EVERYTHING

What worries you the most when you think about your future? My family not being happy.

What really sucks in your life? Who has the power to change it? Nothing

What is your life really about? What is your purpose in life? To serve God and love others around me

What fear could wake you in the middle of the night? Loud noises

What joy could wake you in the middle of the night? Not really sure

What are you grateful for? Everything - particularly my husband and family

What time of the day do you feel the most energetic? And what do you usually do in those moments? Right when I get home from work - run!!

If you knew you had only one week to live, how and with whom would you spend it? I would travel with my husband and family.

Why do you think your most favorite film touches you so deeply? The Notebook - because its Romance and I want to be loved like in the movie/and it reminds me of my gparents.

If you could be a fictional character from a movie or a novel, who would you want to be? Why?
What are you really bad at? Hadasseha from Francine Rivers Novel - She is admired for her heart and faith.

Who would you like to forgive and forget? A person who had hurt me at one time.

Do you often hear your inner voice? What does it usually tell you? Yes - to serve God and others

When was the last time you cried without anyone seeing you? And why? A few weeks ago - pms

What do you want people you meet for the first time to think about you? I am a caring person.

What’s your most striking physical attribute? Do you like it? My legs - yes, I work hard for them

If you had the opportunity to go back in time and make a change, would you still want to have the same parents? Definitely! They are the best.

If you could go back in time and change things, how would you alter the last ten years? Change where I went to school and who I dated.

If you could get rid of one of your responsibilities today, what would that be? Working at my desk.

What is the biggest lie you tell yourself? I dont lie to myself

What do you think is missing in your life? Nothing right now

What do you think is the biggest injustice that was ever done to you? Being hurt by others

What type of person angers you the most? The one that is mean to you w/o reason

Who never fails to make you feel good about yourself? My Chris or my mother

If you could start all over again, what would you want to study? Being a Nurse for newborns

Which type of intelligence do you wish you had: kinetic, visual, interpersonal, linguistic or mathematical? interpersonal

What is your biggest pet peeve? being or having anything dirty in your clean bed

What was the one opportunity you always believed you’ve missed out on? Dont know

What do you like about yourself the most? Being able to connect with people

What do you regret the most? I dont regret anything

What is the most hurtful thing you’ve ever witnessed? Why did it affect you? People dying

What would you like most to be acknowledged for in your life? That I was a good wife, mother, sister, and daughter

What is the first thought that usually crosses your mind the second you open your eyes in the morning? I am blessed to have Chris

What is that thing about yourself you’re sick and tired of? Having a weakness for sweets.

Who really depends on you? Why? No body right now

What was the main factor that played a role in your biggest success? Connections to other people

What childhood memory sizzles your heart? Summer days as a girl

What was the most frustrating period in your creative life? College

Do you love yourself? I do

If you were your own coach, how would you guide yourself? Through prayer

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Some Recent Adventures

Chris has passed his CFP!!!!!

Some Fun out at Cosma Lava with Rebecca and Adam!!!!

Celebrating some of our friends special day!

Mothers Day!!!! My mom and Chris' mom over for brunch:

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April - The One Year Mark!

Well, me and Chris have been married for our offical One Year!

There has been so much learning this year, both about ourselves and one another.

We celebrated by going to Seasons 52 in Buckhead, almost went out to see a movie - but because we just enjoy one anothers company - we rented a movie. We sliced our yummy top layer cake (after his taste, I ate the rest!). And our one year was over, just like that! Now we're on our 2nd year! I gave him an official Dallas Cowboys NFL football, clothes. He gave me a casual jacket and a gorgeous sparkley necklace.

1. What is your spouse’s shoe size?


2. How many children did your spouse want when you got married?

1 -3

3. In what city was your spouse born?


4. If your spouse had his or her dream job, what would it be?

A high school football coach

5. What was your spouse’s first job?

I believe it was stocking the shelves for Kroger

6. What is your spouse’s mother’s maiden name?


7. Has your spouse ever had a nickname? If so, what was it?

Everyone calls him Porter

8. What single word would your spouse use to describe you?


9. What is your spouse’s blood type?

not a clue!

10. What is your spouse’s favorite way to wind down after a stressful day?

Chilling out on the couch with me, watching a movie

11. What is your spouse’s favourite:

Non-alcoholic drink: Coke

Television Show: Friday Night Lights/anything Sports Center

Flavor of Ice cream: Chocolate

Non-verbal way of conveying displeasure: making a face

12. What are your middle names? Marie and Steven

13. How long have you been together? Since the day we met - July 10, 09. Dated 4 months, engaged for 5 months, married 13 months.

14. How long did you know each other before you started dating? 1 day before our first date, 18 days before we were 'official'.

15. Who asked who out? I kindda hinted for him to get my number the first night we met, then he text me the very next morning for a group date that night.

16. Who said I love you first? He did - on my birthday, on the beach, at sunset, (on a church beach retreat)

17. How old are each of you? Me - 24, Him - 27

18. Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? adjusting to one anothers differences and not taking our stresses out on the other.

19. Are you from the same hometown? Yup! Marietta, Ga - Rival High Schools!

20. Who is the most sensitive? Depends on what its about. But probably me.

21. Where do you eat out most as a couple? Marlows

22. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Hawaii!!!! - Honeymoon

23. Who does the cooking? lets just say I enjoy cooking - so me. But he makes a mean pb&j!

24. Who is the most social? About equal - but sometimes more of him. His job is to be social.

25. Who is the neat-freak? He is about the house over-all, but I am about the small things. Together is a scary combination.

26. Where was your first date? To see the movie Bruno, and to a local Pub.

27. Who has the bigger family? Definitely him, at least it seems that way - we see them more.

28. Do you get flowers often? Not really often - but I he is a good surpriser, he does it just b/c

29. Who do you spend the holidays with? Both, one day is filled with: His dad, his mom, my big familiy, his big family - (we're all very close in distance to one another).

30. Who is more jealous? It would have to be me - he trusts me to much to be; and im just the typical girl who doesn't trust the other girls.

31. Who’s better with the computer? I use to would have said him, but Im catching up to him with my job and line of work. (he's definitely computer program savy).

32. Who picks where you go to dinner? It usually goes - I suggest about 3 things and he picks from those.

33. Who eats more sweets? MEEEEE! I hate it. He doesn't eat any, and all I could eat are sweets. But he helps tone me down.

34. Who cries more? Definitely me!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

March Madness

March has been a very crazy month around the Porter household. My Chris has been studying non-stop for 168 hours, only stopping for sleep. As you can imagine, a lot of stress on him.

However, I did take a small picture of him in his beard he grew out.I have never seen him with facial hair ( Wells does not allow facial hair - and he had taken 1 week off from work).
Love it!

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Well, I am proud to say that my sister is engaged. She has been in love with Mr. Jeff Ham for about 3 years. They got engaged on Febuary 5th, 2011 and will be married September 16, 2011. I get to be the Matron of Honor - and I got to say, helping her with her wedding is almost as much fun as planning my own. As for my parents - they will have married off both of their girls within two years. She will be married at Chene Rouge is Hiram. Her colors are Hot Pink and Black. And her dress......cant tell, but its GORGEOUS!

Now, the planning I get to do for the Bride-to-Be!

A lingerie Shower
Bachelorette Party

For the next couple of months I will be thinking of places to celebrate these parties!

Please, send me ideas if you have a suggestion!

My ideas so far:

(belly dancing and martinis)

(always nice)

Maybe some CosmoLava.....

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Its amazing to hear stories of how lives used to be 50+ years ago.

Today I went and spent some time with my grandparents today for my Papa's 90th Birthday. For the first time, my Papa opened up about his life growing up to me, my mom, and my sister. Hearing his story just amazes me in how different society is and how people were forced to grow up instead of the teens of today, where we have to 'hold their hands' to make sure they dont mess up.

My Papa, a.k.a Tex (he's from Texas) grew up on a farm of 245 cows and 18 tractors. His dad, Elbert Braz Jones was a very wealth man - at least most of his years he was. Depending on the economy, the government had to take property, animals, or tractors. And as the economy got better, Elbert would begin to re-buy everything again. Tex (at the age of 16) told his dad to sell the farm to make a lot of money rather than losing it again. His dad was not up for it, so Tex asked if he could go find himself and make another means of living. So, at 16 he literally hit the road with a brand new pair of shoes over his shoulder (as to not wear them out). A car drove by and asked if he was looking for work, because the man needed help on his farm. The man asked if he could drive a tractor - he said 'no, but I can drive a mule', in which the man said he would work with him. He gracisouly accepted $1.00/hour and board for his hard work. For one straight year he helped on this new farm in Texas - after a year, he decided to move on. He began his journey to Mexico, (people could go back and forth with ease back then). He then found another farm to help on. This man was very wealthy in which he was the only one who worked on his farm, and needed a guy on night shift. So, during the day - the man would bail hay and work the farm. At night, the man would go inside and spend time with his four daughters while they played the piano - and my papa continued the work through the night for again $1.00/hour and board. After 6 months of this, my papa went back home to Newport Texas. At this point he was 17. And then he got a call from Uncle Sam. Through the draft, my papa served the U.S for 4 years. He fought in World War 1 and Vietnam. While stationed in New Jersey - he met my now grandmother Jean. She was a 16 year old red head and he was 21. While on his few weeks here, he found her in a movie theater with her girlfriends. He told his buddy, that girl across the room is going to be my wife. So, he walked across the theater and asked for her number. She wrote a number down and handed it to him, in which her best friend called her out and told Tex 'that is not her number, but this one is' and handed it to him. He walked away and let her be. The next day he called her, in which she did not answer. So he called the next day, in which she did not answer, and he called the next day, in which she did not answer, (military men had quite a reputation). Finally Jean's aunt said to answer the phone and either stop it or go out with him. Jean decided to try it. Her only stipulation was that he had to have dinner with her and her aunt. So, he agreed. He spent everyday with her for the next week, in which his time was in closing to go back to war. So, he shouted, 'Marry Me'. In her surprise, she told him he had to think about it. On a train one night, she spoke to an older woman. She told the lady her story of her and asked what she thought. The lady asked 'do you love him? Is he a good man? Does your familiy accept him?' With every answer 'yes', the older lady said 'well, if you feel you love him, pray about this and if you feel its right, do it'. So Jean decided to love and marry Tex after just weeks of knowing him. They walked to the court house and she stopped in front of it, scared to go any further. He didn't know how to get her to take another step, so he picked her up over his shoulder and proceeded ahead. They got married February 17th, 1944 (68 years ago) and he left 3 days later for 8 months overseas.

Today we celebrated my Papas 90th birthday and 68th wedding anniversary. Could you imagine just knowing someone for a few weeks and being married for over 68 years? When today we know each other for years and only stay married for 7 years. Even the response he gave us today in dicussing putting only my nanny in a nursing home-he replied, 'No! Till death do us part'. And thats how a Godly, loving Marriage should be.
Till Death Do Us Part

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Ten of My Guilty Pleasures

Sometimes life gets really crazy, that you hardely have time to enjoy things, even the little things. However, I sometimes get to the point, where I just want to veg out on my guilty pleasures that help bring me back to reality, or life as we know it.

So, I sat down to write a list of things that really help get me through the day.

1) My diet coke - when Im at work and get caught up in all my surroundings, taking a sip of Diet Coke thats cold and just burns as it goes down, is just insanely good! (I know - its lame, but its on my list!).

2) Dark chocolate - or anything thats baked and chocolate. When its been one of those days and I just NEED something awesome, GIVE ME CHOCOLATE!!!!

3) A good book - this is anything. Right now im in 'Life Without Limits', but anything Christian/Uplifting/Romance will get me back down to sane thoughts about my environment.

4) Seinfeld (its a bit of a joke, that when Chris comes home, I like to be cooking with Seinfeld on). Being around something that makes you laugh can really boost your morale - and Seinfeld is one of my top shows. (I can also go for some reality shows as well).

5) Driving fast - yes, I know this is against the law to some point; however, when I've been sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic for about 45 minutes coming home from work....maybe driving 5 miles per hour, when I finally hit a hole in the traffic and can get loose, I'll go really fast.....and it feels so good to pass everyone else. I also tend to think it would be quite sad for my car (whom I call Ebony) to not go fast - she's a sporty car and needs it!

6) Shopping; but then again, I am a girl, what girl does not love this. 'Retail Therapy'.

7) Foot massages. The kinddness of my husband at the end of most nights after a long day in high heels and panty hose....he will kindly grab my feet and rub! So awesome.

8) A nice glass of red wine (or some kind of cocktail), really takes the edge off and can be A-MAZING!

9) Exercising - I like to be outside (or gym) and let my body live! No one feels more a live when their pushing the limits on their body and their heart it pounding! Aggghhh, invigorating!

10) Being there for others. Yes, this is a guilty pleasure that I've realized, I have to do - for myself...It really makes me feel good, rather than wasting my saturday at home on the couch, but to spend time/help others, which gets more use/benefit out of my day.

So think about it,

What are your guilty pleasures??

And mine are lame, I'll admit that - but Im accepting them now, rather than later.....

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Porter Eatery Adventure

So, me and Chris have decided to be a little adventurous and try some new places to eat in Atlanta. We are very similar people, in that we go to the same restaraunt and order the same entree' every time we go out. So, one of our goals (of many) is going to be trying several new restaurants inside the perimeter.

Based on UbanSpoon's listings, we went through everything with a rating of 85% or higher.

Then we had to knock out places that we have been to, and the places we went before without the other.

Based on The UrbanSpoon's listing with above 85% rating, we have already fullfilled these restraunts:

Willys Mexicana Grill (one of our regulars)

Eclipse De luna (where we went for my bachelorette party)

Piece of Cake (treats from work)

Noche (a great tapa bar to meet girlfriends at)

Fado' Irish Pub (a famous bar we've both enjoyed)

Meehan's Public House (celebrated a few friends birthdays)

Canoe (a use to be favorite - but pretty pricey)

Mellow Mushroom (a regular pizza joint for us)

Einstein's (Where I use to get coffee and bagels before college classes)

Maggiano's (Where I ate for most my proms and where Chris takes me for important times - like our engagment)

Fellini's Pizza (a must try in Brookhaven - a mom and pop pizzaria)

The Melting Pot (a great Fondue place to over-eat at).

Figo's Pasta (a very good place to get 'to order' pasta')

Stoney River (an expensive, but great place for steaks - where I went for my bday!)

Flying Biscuit (where my work sometimes provides breakfast from - great biscuits!)

Marlow's Tavern (another one of our favorites - a cozy atmosphere)

Jocks and Jills ( a great place to watch a football game - one of our regulars)

Shane's Rib Shack (not my favorite place for bbq)

Three Dollar Cafe (a great place to have a wide variety of food)

Chick-fil-a (a place everyone has been!)

Chipotle (good mexican!)

Raging Burrito & Taco (great street-side place in Decatur)

Fresh To Order (kind of like a Moes for salads)

Johnny Rockets (great burgers)

J Christophers (brunch is excellent there!)

Jersey Mikes (good if you like subs)

Papa Johns (everyone has had)

Taco mac (a real regular of ours - great for football games and queso)

Teds montana grill (where we always go when we have dinner w our folks)

Houston's (a great atmosphere w live music - our 2010 New Years dinner)

The Cheesecake Factory (a lot of food for your buck - also, awesome chocolate cake!)

Atkin's Park Tavern (great place to meet friends out in Virginia highlands)

La Parrilla (a must go - if you like mexican)

Yoforia Yogurt (awesome place for a do-it-urself, low-fat yogurt)

Buffalo Wild Wings (great wings!)

Little Azio (great, fast, italian, sit-down, without the waiter)

Panera Bread (still one of my fav breakfast spots)

Longhorns (good steak and salmon and fries)

Krispey Creme (the best, melt-n-ur-mouth donuts)

Eddie's Attic (great to go see live musicians play, and have great food)

Chow Baby (its tempting to get the 'all u can eat' orders for $2 more, but the regular is plenty!)

Caribou Coffee (a good coffee place, a spot me and chris went to after church when we were dating).

Pig'n'chick (another work delivery for our lunches)

Roasters (good chick!)

Firehouse (where Chris has become a patron of)

Now, our listing of new restaurants:

Buttersweet Bakery (you have to have a sweets place)

Two Urban Licks (was only 82% listing, but I heard its amazing!)

Hambones BBQ

Savvage Pizza

New Dragon

Treehouse Restaraunt & Pub

Sugar Shack

Bat and Ball

The Vortex

Six Feet Under

Urban Pl8

And here begins our one of many adventures for this year.......

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Business Woman

I have officially started my new job in the Business World. I have so much to be thankful for, and just one of those things is my job. In the past I had a very challenging time. However, I've realized that those things that are hard or challenging, make you appreciate the good times so much more. However we need to accept things as His plan and be thankful for all things - and just pray for the hardship we are going through.
And this can go into so many different aspects of life. For instance: who you date/marry, timing with a job, timing with children, etc....
I think of this train of thought as if God is our parent and we are His children (which in essence we are), and say our parent gave us 'one' french fry from McDonalds and we poutted our lip b/c we want the whole box and not just the one in front of us (which we as children dont understand we were probably going to get the whole box eventually over the course of the meal)....but if you were in Gods perspective (a parent), would you even want to give the rest of the box to that child that was being so ungrateful for something you were going to give them anyways and they didn't even deserve it in the first place???
So, as I mentioned above I am thankful for my job now. However, in my quest to overcome my past challenging job, I had to first become thankful for the gifts God gave me through it; money, 3 REALLY great friends that made a handprint on my heart, and the education on: health, pregnancy, and gyn. When I was able to think of this job being a gift and to find the goodness in it (believe me - it was so very hard!) - God began to open other windows for me and wah-la, I have a new, wonderful job!
Pray for your needs, but pray with a thankful heart

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Snow Days

Me and Chris have had our first official 'snow' day married. While being stuck in the house together with nothing to do, we made it through without going crazy. Its so weird to think about that over the course of this past year we, 1) Got engaged 2) Married 3) Have a house 4)Chris in 2 different schools 5)Both of us with new jobs. You would think that everything gets easier after getting married; That you no longer have to worry about who you end up with, your in your next stage of life, and you have someone you know will be there for continual support. Me and Chris have both had some very strong learning experiences this year, though. As I was reading in Blue Like Jazz, marriage bonds you to your spouse like nothing you would have ever dreamed about - but its tough too. Theres no way Chris could fullfill me in every aspect I need, even sometimes I try to uphold that standard on him. In this case, we both suffer from this train of thought. And If Im not completely perfect for Chris, he gets frusterated in which I in turn, return his frusteration. So how can this be that God gives us to one another, in which we cant really fullfill for one another. Ive learned that its so much deeper than that! We have to have our relationship with Christ, FIRST. Chris told me the other night that he really needs my help - in that God uses my spirit to bring him closer to God. In which I realized then that we are gifts to each other from God, in which he uses the other to reach into areas of our lives and He shows us 'love' to the other, through each other. Its deeper than just knowing a person - its really loving a person the way its inteded