Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I have been M.I.A for a couple of weeks, however I have been writing posts and not publishing them just yet. The reason for this is because I was waiting for the ok. We have confirmed with our doctor that everything is ok today- we are pregnant!!! I am not announcing on Facebook because I am friends with coworkers, and I do not want to tell work until the 2nd trimester. I will be 9 weeks on Friday, and our due date is December 27th. So it's our Christmas baby! We are excited and extremely blessed! There is a single baby and is tucked onto my left side nook (right side in picture). Thank you for all the prayers from those who read my earlier post. We did record telling our parents- those videos will be shortly on here.


  1. Finally....I was hoping you we're quiet because it was great news. Congratulations!!!

  2. Thanks! Yea, I was scared to say a word until we saw a doctor, and I knew I wouldn't be able to hold it in on here long.
