Wednesday, April 27, 2011

April - The One Year Mark!

Well, me and Chris have been married for our offical One Year!

There has been so much learning this year, both about ourselves and one another.

We celebrated by going to Seasons 52 in Buckhead, almost went out to see a movie - but because we just enjoy one anothers company - we rented a movie. We sliced our yummy top layer cake (after his taste, I ate the rest!). And our one year was over, just like that! Now we're on our 2nd year! I gave him an official Dallas Cowboys NFL football, clothes. He gave me a casual jacket and a gorgeous sparkley necklace.

1. What is your spouse’s shoe size?


2. How many children did your spouse want when you got married?

1 -3

3. In what city was your spouse born?


4. If your spouse had his or her dream job, what would it be?

A high school football coach

5. What was your spouse’s first job?

I believe it was stocking the shelves for Kroger

6. What is your spouse’s mother’s maiden name?


7. Has your spouse ever had a nickname? If so, what was it?

Everyone calls him Porter

8. What single word would your spouse use to describe you?


9. What is your spouse’s blood type?

not a clue!

10. What is your spouse’s favorite way to wind down after a stressful day?

Chilling out on the couch with me, watching a movie

11. What is your spouse’s favourite:

Non-alcoholic drink: Coke

Television Show: Friday Night Lights/anything Sports Center

Flavor of Ice cream: Chocolate

Non-verbal way of conveying displeasure: making a face

12. What are your middle names? Marie and Steven

13. How long have you been together? Since the day we met - July 10, 09. Dated 4 months, engaged for 5 months, married 13 months.

14. How long did you know each other before you started dating? 1 day before our first date, 18 days before we were 'official'.

15. Who asked who out? I kindda hinted for him to get my number the first night we met, then he text me the very next morning for a group date that night.

16. Who said I love you first? He did - on my birthday, on the beach, at sunset, (on a church beach retreat)

17. How old are each of you? Me - 24, Him - 27

18. Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? adjusting to one anothers differences and not taking our stresses out on the other.

19. Are you from the same hometown? Yup! Marietta, Ga - Rival High Schools!

20. Who is the most sensitive? Depends on what its about. But probably me.

21. Where do you eat out most as a couple? Marlows

22. Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Hawaii!!!! - Honeymoon

23. Who does the cooking? lets just say I enjoy cooking - so me. But he makes a mean pb&j!

24. Who is the most social? About equal - but sometimes more of him. His job is to be social.

25. Who is the neat-freak? He is about the house over-all, but I am about the small things. Together is a scary combination.

26. Where was your first date? To see the movie Bruno, and to a local Pub.

27. Who has the bigger family? Definitely him, at least it seems that way - we see them more.

28. Do you get flowers often? Not really often - but I he is a good surpriser, he does it just b/c

29. Who do you spend the holidays with? Both, one day is filled with: His dad, his mom, my big familiy, his big family - (we're all very close in distance to one another).

30. Who is more jealous? It would have to be me - he trusts me to much to be; and im just the typical girl who doesn't trust the other girls.

31. Who’s better with the computer? I use to would have said him, but Im catching up to him with my job and line of work. (he's definitely computer program savy).

32. Who picks where you go to dinner? It usually goes - I suggest about 3 things and he picks from those.

33. Who eats more sweets? MEEEEE! I hate it. He doesn't eat any, and all I could eat are sweets. But he helps tone me down.

34. Who cries more? Definitely me!

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