Monday, December 22, 2014

Gym membership

Max officially has a gym membership - we are going to LA Fitness together while he is in the Kids Klub.  Sweet little man is going to start early! Is also completely on all cows milk. He had a doctors appointment with four shots on 12/22/14. He's so big and crazy - just plain amazing!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Milk Day

Max has tried his first cup of cows milk today. So far he's ok with it. He doesn't like that it's in a cup rather than a bottle- but it's manageable.

Climbing stairs

As of 11/28 - max has begun to climb stairs. I was at my sisters house following max around as he crawled everywhere until he came upon her stairs. He looked up them once and began to conquer them. He made it half way up a huge flight until he got tuckered out.....such a funny baby!