Sunday, October 26, 2014

Baby model

My little man is officially a little model. We have been working with an agent and have modeled a few toys this past week. He did so great and the photographers thought he was the perfect male model (he loved the attention). We got to meet new babies and got to play with new toys- what more could we ask for. Can't wait to see his little face out on an isle somewhere! (First modeling job 10-23-2014)

Saturday, October 11, 2014


My baby has officially grabbed onto his toy and pulled himself up as of 10/9/14. As of today he has stood up twice on his own. He is also officially scooting around on his belly, a semi-crawl. My growing boy is so big! Crazy what happens in a short time!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Max has officially clapped his little hands together today - what a cutie! He is starting to pull up on things (and with my assistance gets up). He also has a gum that is bulging.....I'm thinking tooth?!?!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The wave

Max has now mastered waving back, (if you wave at him first). He also can shake his head side-to-side (we're not calling it no because we don't want him to know that word yet), and he gives kisses to anyone and everyone. I am loving just getting to see his little mind put things together. Being a mom is the best!