Monday, December 22, 2014

Gym membership

Max officially has a gym membership - we are going to LA Fitness together while he is in the Kids Klub.  Sweet little man is going to start early! Is also completely on all cows milk. He had a doctors appointment with four shots on 12/22/14. He's so big and crazy - just plain amazing!

Friday, December 12, 2014

Milk Day

Max has tried his first cup of cows milk today. So far he's ok with it. He doesn't like that it's in a cup rather than a bottle- but it's manageable.

Climbing stairs

As of 11/28 - max has begun to climb stairs. I was at my sisters house following max around as he crawled everywhere until he came upon her stairs. He looked up them once and began to conquer them. He made it half way up a huge flight until he got tuckered out.....such a funny baby!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Baby model

My little man is officially a little model. We have been working with an agent and have modeled a few toys this past week. He did so great and the photographers thought he was the perfect male model (he loved the attention). We got to meet new babies and got to play with new toys- what more could we ask for. Can't wait to see his little face out on an isle somewhere! (First modeling job 10-23-2014)

Saturday, October 11, 2014


My baby has officially grabbed onto his toy and pulled himself up as of 10/9/14. As of today he has stood up twice on his own. He is also officially scooting around on his belly, a semi-crawl. My growing boy is so big! Crazy what happens in a short time!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


Max has officially clapped his little hands together today - what a cutie! He is starting to pull up on things (and with my assistance gets up). He also has a gum that is bulging.....I'm thinking tooth?!?!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

The wave

Max has now mastered waving back, (if you wave at him first). He also can shake his head side-to-side (we're not calling it no because we don't want him to know that word yet), and he gives kisses to anyone and everyone. I am loving just getting to see his little mind put things together. Being a mom is the best!

Wednesday, September 17, 2014


Today max stood for the first time, holding on to his car seat, but unassisted by anyone! He's getting so big and brave. Time to check this milestone off, :(

Friday, September 12, 2014

Sweetest thing in life

Everyday I thank God for this precious gift. You truly can not understand the fullness of love until you have a child, (and even then it's probably a speck of what God has for us). As I read and watch the global issues that are currently happening, it makes me want to hold this little fellow close so that he's protected. This world is so scary right now, yet this face has so much sunshine to give. What an awesome present for God to give us....I only fear the day he no longer snuggles like he does. Tonight I was playing with him on the floor and I got up to get some water and he immediately became concerned and began whimpering for me. I will be working on helping him get past this- but there is nothing that warms a mothers heart more than to see her baby 'need' her.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Today marks the day where max has officially said 'dada'. This is so big for his dad because he's been waiting for a month since he has said 'mama'. Go max, your growing so fast!!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Cup and straw

My little man has been drinking from an adult cup (with assistance) since he was 6 months old. Today, he has officially sipped out of a straw from an adult cup! No sippy cups for this boy- he is acting to grown for that ;(. 

Monday, August 11, 2014


Today we tried egg yolk for the first time. Crossing my fingers for no allergies!!

Sunday, August 10, 2014


One of the cutest things on max is his birthmark. I did not notice it until we got home from the hospital since he was always bundled up there with it being 30 degrees outside at the time. There is a small dot perfectly centered on his back. I am not sure how he will take to this when he's a teenager- but I love it!!!

Thursday, August 7, 2014


Today my little man said, 'dada'. It was definitely unintentional because we were just floating around in the pool and he was moving his little mouth around, sometimes making jibberish and sometimes moving it without any noises......and it just came out. So sweet to hear a new word, ( because he did say mama first). This stage of his life is the sweetest. I get a hug after every nap, I am always wanted no matter what or when. I am thankful to know what a gift this is as I experience it. I have the best cuddler there is!

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Social butterfly

Max had the opportunity to see a lot of people he has either never met or has not seen since a couple of months old. He has been surrounded by ladies all day, such a ladies man! He loves to stare and smile at every woman- I know I'll have my hands full in the future. After seeing a childhood friend (Rebecca), we headed with Lolli to another childhood friend's (Erin) baby shower. Then grandma came over for dinner, max got his first taste of zucchini, 
(recipe, which is actually good:

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Ankle biters

Today me, max, and Lolli went to chick fil a for breakfast. We then headed to te library at the marietta square and attended an infant class on sign language. Max obviously didn't get much out of it - but it was fun! We then headed to the marietta square for a caprese panini and a dessert from the Australian bakery (so good). We then dropped Lolli off and headed to the pool. Such a packed day for such a small little man - he has passed out and called it a night

First words

My husband might be ready to oppose this, but I am definitely hearing 'mommmaaa' coming out of maxs mouth. Starting July 27th I've heard this at least twice a day randomly said....agh I love it! My sweet prince knows who to butter up!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Today max made it to his first voting booth. We were able to walk to Campbell, vote, and get a sticker. 

Max also learned today in his tub that he has the ability to pull himself up by grabbing onto items around him and pulling....even though he can not do it by himself- he knows it can be done! He made several attempts I'm his duck tub....Getting so old.

Friday, July 18, 2014

Pool party

We live directly in front of the neighborhood pool, (lucky us) so me and max are able to take full advantage of this when no one is out and in between summer showers. Here are a few pics from maxs first pool day with his Lolli.

Grandma and papa and play date

Max had a little adventure today. We first met up and had lunch with his grandma at chick fil a and went clothes shopping for little man. Later on papa porter came over to see little man for a little while. Afterwards we headed to a garage sale and got a activity table for when little man gets a little older. 
Little man also had his first play date with the smyrna moms group this week at cobb park. He was around about 10 babies- a big deal for him, glad we were able to do this! He's such a big boy now!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Sitting up

It's official, my little man is sitting up all on his own now. Such a big step for him and definitely means he's growing up on me, (tear). He started this on June are a few pics.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

First Day of Food

Today, (June 10th) Max had his first piece of food - the top choice was avocado! I have decided I take the Baby Led Weaning direction where you basically give nothing but milk until 6 months and then start giving them 'safe' food off your plate alongside the milk. This skips the purée and spoon feeding.  Max did not have much interest in the avocado, but this is partly because he does not know what food is yet. This should be interesting, Enjoy the sweet baby face below!

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

6 month baby

My little love is 6 months as of two days ago. My how times flies. He had his check up yesterday with my favorite pediatrician. She is not only great with kids but is so nice to the parents, very refreshing. Little man weighs in at 16.5lbs, (50th percentile for weight) and is a tad on the short side- which is so cute. He received two shots in his thighs, and exploded for about 2 minutes and then was fine once he had his paci. His Lolli (grandmother) also was there for baby support. My cutie pie is so sweet.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Ab workout - Team Effort

Me and Chris have decided to do a daily workout together for a whole month. Since there is a trend for a 30 day challenge on Abs, we decided to get on the wagon and start today (7 days late!) - wish us luck!!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Max's birth story

Starting my third trimester I began itching all over. I called my nurse in which she stated it was most likely just the third trimester 'woes'. My doctor followed up with me at my next appointment, but being in the morning, I actually felt a little better. She said that it was most likely my stretching skin but to take baby Benadryl if it gets severe enough. A few weeks passed and this itching became unbearable- so I bought the Benadryl. I took a swig right before bed and it did not help at all. My husband decided to accompany me to my next doctors visit jut to be sweet. I proceeded to tell the doctor I was still itching and I was having a hard time with it. He assumed it was the third trimester woes, but my husband pointed out a spot where I had broken skin from scratching so bad. The doctor was alarmed so he ran blood tests to investigate. A few days later, (37 weeks along) was the Ohio state game and we headed to a friends house to hang out. I started getting cramps so we headed home for me to rest. The cramps got worse so I took a bath. I then called the doctor and was told to wait an hour and come in. My cramps were so bad that I went I the hospital 5 minutes later (11:30 pm). The hospital could not admit me until a doctor checked me out since I was 3 weeks early, (I was dilated 3 cm at this time). After waiting 2 hours the doctor came and said I was going into labor and was now dilated to 7. My contractions were 30 seconds apart and were pretty severe that I was throwing up  and my water broke as they were moving me to another bed. I did not get my epidural until 5 am- I swear I was going to pass out, so I focused on just making it through the next contraction. After getting my epidural, (the epi tech was trying I talk and I got so mad since I had waited so long). We not told anyone we were at the hospital (with the exception of  a text to my mom asking what she was up to, at 1am- big clue). My father-in-law was the first to arrive (walked in while I was getting my epidural) who was not feeling well. My mom and dad followed shortly after and then my sister. My mother-in-law arrived right as little man arrived. The doctor came back saying the baby will be here within the hour. My husband, mom, and sis stayed in the delivery room with me. The doctor had to break my other water and said there was meconium inside. Also, with every contraction the umbilical cord tightened and stressed the baby out. The doctor called in a neonatal nurse and four other nurses. The baby was trying to come out, but was getting stuck in the birth canal. So she eventually did a suction on him. My husband got teary eyed and said he had 10 fingers and toes and that he looked Chinese. The doctor took our baby and cut the cord herself and rushed him to the specialists. He got an 8.7 Apgar, which is good. After a few hours after delivery I was informed that I had cholestasis (from the blood tests my doctor ran that week). My creatine levels were off the charts and had caused me to itch and inevitably go into labor early. There is no cure but delivery. I was very lucky as my doctor was goin to induce me that Monday because of these results as this condition is very dangerous for the baby. Luckily I delivered on my own at the right time, (any earlier would have been a worse situation). I no longer itch- but it could come back with my next pregnancy....which is all over my charts now.